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Шістдесята зустріч Microsoft .NET User Group Одеса

Azure SQL Serverless database hit general availability an only month ago, and it seems that it will be a perfect match for usage with Azure Functions.

07.02.2020 Шістдесята зустріч Microsoft .NET User Group Одеса

Про доповідача: Stas Lebedenko driving solution architecture changes and writing code @SigmaSoftware as a senior software developer. Speaker and author, an active member of Ukraine .NET/Azure communities, Azure Serverless fan.

Про доповідь: Building casual solutions via Azure Functions and SQL Serverless database.

Azure SQL Serverless database hit general availability an only month ago, and it seems that it will be a perfect match for usage with Azure Functions. I will share my takeaways, use cases, and application usage scenarios. Finally, we'll look at a short demo that demonstrates how SQL Serverless performs under pressure. Let's close this year with the 60th edition of our user group.